que se mueven, porque precisamente, realizan moviemientos. Esto se
llamaTropismo. No se desplazan, porque el
desplazamiento implica ir de un lugar a otro, no estar en el mismo
It is said that plants move because indeed they make movements. This is called Tropism. They do not really move because it implies moving from place to place and not stayed at the same place.
Plants do not move like animals, but they do move as they are growing. their leaves and stems move towards sun light. Roots move Earth direction. Some plants like beans or vines move round a stand to hold themselves.
Los alumnos han realizado una hoja de registro de sus propias plantas donde van anotando diariamnete :
- ¿Cuando la hemos plantado?
- ¿Cuando han brotado?
-¿Cuanto crecen semanalmente?
-¿ Todas crecen a la misma velocidad?
- ¿ Se mueven hacia la luz? ¿ Se desplazan?
- ¿Necesitan agua para crecer? ¿ Y luz?
Pupils have been filling a register paper about their own plants where they take note about:
when did we plant them?
when did they bloom?
How much do they grown a week?
Do all of them grow at the same speed?
Do they move towards light? do they move?
Do they need water to live? and light?
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